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Coworking etiquette 101

LIFE / 28 MAY 2024

We all can appreciate the major benefits of coworking spaces. The networking and collaboration perks, a dynamic and innovative atmosphere, and the flexibility for businesses to scale up or down as needed. However, there's an unspoken code of conduct that some members choose to ignore.  


Scents and Sensibility


Let’s talk about food.  Regardless of what anyone tells you, it is categorically not acceptable for you to eat strong-smelling food in a co-working area. Fish, in particular, is an absolute no. Broccoli in a microwave? Believe me, your neighbours are finding the most efficient means to block their nostrils, one way or another.  


Decibel diplomacy


I highly doubt that on your fellow co-workers’ to-do list is ‘hear my neighbour screaming down the phone’. There’s this unbelievable gadget called headphones…please use them. Respect your peers. On top of this, insanely loud laughter is also unacceptable. Don’t even get me started on the deafening coughing fits and the almost heart stopping sneezes. At least there are no crying babies, although you never know.


Desk detox


Dear coworking neighbour, If I am sitting on the desk next to yours and you have 17 mugs, a plate with mayonnaise on it from lunch, quite honestly - you would see tears streaming down my face. Please wash your dishes after using them & keep your workspace tidy. Thanks, on behalf of the entire, global coworking community.  


Mind the gap! 


I think everyone would appreciate it if you were aware of your boundaries and avoided invading your neighbours' space. It’s simple really, stick to your own desk and keep your notepad, your pens and mugs away from mine. I am telling you, your neighbours’ side looks are no joke. They are watching every centimetre you encroach in their space. Those 1980’s dividers may look ugly, but definitely did a good job. 

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Flex and The City