Spaces to Places spotlights top 10
flex performers in first-ever London Brand Index

London’s flexible workspace bubble has a new benchmark, thanks to Spaces to Places. This week, the flexible space marketing and consultancy agency launched its first-ever London Flex Brand Index, providing key insights into the power of branding in a highly competitive market.
In a landscape marked by economic uncertainty and a fiercely competitive market, the pressure to innovate is sky-high. Having a strong brand and standout offerings isn’t just an advantage—it’s survival.
Now, Spaces to Places’ pioneering report is the first of its kind to explore how brand power fuels success in London’s ever-competitive flex office scene.
Drawing from an analysis of 686 locations across 22.5 million sq ft of office space, the study offers invaluable data and clarity to help providers stand out.
Here are the 10 operators that came out on top:
Regus (IWG)
Runway East
Spaces (IWG)
Landmark Spaces

This report doesn’t stop at rankings. It offers a comprehensive breakdown, classifying brands into four distinct categories: Determined Dominators, Energetic Innovators, Established Providers, and Emerging Players. This framework provides a roadmap for companies seeking to refine their market strategy and build stronger connections with users.
In addition to the rankings, the report digs deep into key factors like amenity scores, Google reviews, social media presence, and social responsibility, reflecting what really matters to today’s flex space users. It also captures the rise of "brandlords"—landlords who’ve evolved from leasing office space to creating and mastering their own trendy flex brands. Brandlords such as MYO, Storey, and GPE, have meticulously met the demand for adaptable, short-term spaces, carving out their territory in the City and West End.
"In an era where workspaces are destinations, brand strength is essential.”, says Zoe Ellis-Moore, founder of Spaces to Places. “This report offers valuable insights into how flex space providers can connect deeply with their users and create authentic, desirable spaces."

Based on data from H1 2024, the analysis zeroed in on five key metrics: average amenity score per location (Valve Space), Google Business Profile ratings, Domain Rating (Ahrefs), brand keyword search volume (Ahrefs), and social media following across major platforms. Through evaluating flex office brands with four or more locations within the M25, this report ensures a comprehensive overview of London’s competitive flex market.
For those looking to dive further, the report includes detailed Provider Profiles for over 50 brands, as well as a Brand Accelerator diagnostic tool, designed to help companies refine and strengthen their brand strategies. As the flex space market evolves, Spaces to Places is already planning to expand its benchmarking to cover the entire UK, with a UK-wide Index set to launch in 2025.
Truth be told, in this competitive landscape, only the most innovative and strategic brands are poised to lead.
Download your copy of the The London Flex Brand Index here.
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Flex and The City